Monday, March 23, 2009

A little girl...

Once there was a little girl who kept her mom very busy (and tired)...

This is what she did while her mom washed the dishes...

She loves to get into the herb stock. Just when I think I have it Nellie-proofed, she outsmarts me. On this day, she discovered her love for activated charcoal capsules.

This is what she does while her mom plans a sharing time lesson...

Salt. All. Over. Do you know how hard salt is to clean up? And just when you think you've got it all, you walk into the kitchen with your bare feet and realize it is still EVERYWHERE!

This is what she does while her mom feeds her little brother...

So pretty. Lipstick all over her face, and her white shirt, and the bathroom floor. Oh this was the same day as the salt incident.

This is what she does while her mom is doing who knows what (probably sitting around eating bon bons)...

The herb cabinet again. She loves her herbs. This time she combined the charcoal with some salve. Salve is harder to clean than lipstick.

I promise I watch my children. I always THINK I have everything Nellie proofed, and I THINK she is busy and being entertained by something good, and she continues to prove me wrong. Some days she keeps me busier than all 3 boys combined. But we wouldn't trade her for a boy or even a more mild girl. Life will never be dull with her around. And how could you be mad at that face?


Anonymous said...

Oh she sure is mischevious! Wish I was there to distract her while you ear bon bons! :)

Anonymous said...

....and by ear bon bons, I certainly mean eat bon bons! I'm special...